What’s The Difference Between Speed Bumps And Speed Humps?

What’s The Difference Between Speed Bumps And Speed Humps?

What is the difference between speed hump or speed bump? The road installations are caught in a “to-mae” or “to ma-to” situation. Take speed bumps or speed humps for example. Everyone uses them interchangeably. Nobody knows who is right and no one wants to know. There is a difference between speed humps, and speed bumps. Both speed bumps and humps slow down vehicles in different ways. Speed bumps tend to be shorter and smaller than speed humps, but they are longer.

Why Your Facility Needs A Speed Bump

All places, whether it’s a school or convenience store, a parking lot or a residential area, have spaces that allow humans to interact with moving vehicles.

You’ve probably seen children crossing roads to play in playgrounds. What about restaurants? You’ve seen adults get out of their cars with children jumping up and down as they watch.

The number of drunk drivers or those on their phone while driving puts lives at risk. A minor accident or near-miss can shake a community every few years. Everyone will then forget about it until the next time.

Where Speed Bumps And Speed Humps Come In

Speed bumps and speed humps, unlike road signs and traffic signals, are difficult to ignore. They are modifications made to the road surface, so they slow all vehicles down.

They can also bring a driver’s attention back to the road, especially if they are distracted, such as when they are sleeping, talking on their phone, or drunk. You can use speed bumps to improve safety, increase trust, and go green.

Speed bumps, humps and speed humps have many benefits when used moderately. These pros include:


Your customers will appreciate the speed bumps that you install to ensure their safety as well as that of their family members.

It doesn’t matter if no one notices or appreciates your little effort. You can sleep easier knowing you’ve done everything you could to protect your customers.

A speed bump is an excellent way to improve safety in a facility where children or teens are present.

Avoid Accidents

Accidents happen, no matter how much we might not want to. It’s bad for business, lives and safety. You don’t want to see your business featured on the news as the site of a mass shooting.

You don’t want to see your business on the news for an accident that could have been avoided.

Speed Zones

Both speed bumps and humps slow down vehicles but at different rates. Speed humps are the best option if you want cars to slow down within a zone of 10-15 mph.

These speeds are required around schools, parks, and animal crossings with a constant flow of traffic.

What if you wanted cars to slow to around five mph, or even stop? That’s why they invented speed bumps.


You know just how aggressive speed bumps are if you have ever driven over one at 50mph. You’ll see that the design of the bump is more aggressive.

A speed hump is a better option than a speed bump in places such as hospitals where ambulances pass frequently.

Airports and other places that require security checks are another story. Speed bumps will stop aggressors that don’t want to go through a security check.

Travel Distance

The travel distance is another important difference between speed bumps vs speed humps. This term refers the the width of the raised area where the engineers placed the speed bump or hump.

A speed bump is smaller than a speed hump. The average size of a speed hump is 14-22 feet wide whereas the average width of a speed bump is 6 to 4 feet.


The spacing between speed bumps varies due to the differences in the aggressiveness.

The spacing between speed bumps is wider because they are more aggressive. You will receive complaints if you place two or three bumps close together.

You can put two speed bumps close together, as they are not too harsh. You can use three speed bumps if necessary.


Another difference is the color of the speed bumps or speed humps. Engineers paint speed bumps in bright colors, like yellow.

White is a good color for speed bumps. Drivers need to be able to see speed bumps from afar to begin braking, because they are more aggressive.

Drivers can begin braking for speed bumps at a close distance. Note that speed humps are not required to be painted.

Uses of Complementary Materials

A speed bump’s use is limited because it has a smaller traveling distance. However, speed humps are not the same.

You can turn a speed bump into a pedestrian walkway by painting it with white stripes. This technique serves two purposes: notifying drivers about a speed bump, and allowing pedestrians to safely access it.

It will help drivers to feel less annoyed by the speed bump because they can see why it exists.

Installation time

Installation of speed humps will be more difficult because they have a greater traveling distance.

In terms of driving distances, one speed hump is equivalent to three or two bumps.

Thanks to technological advances, you don’t have to make speed bumps out of asphalt anymore. You have endless options. You can choose from rubber bumps, or an environmentally friendly alternative like recycled rubber. The installation time for both is much less.

The Importance Of Speed Bumps/Hump Signage

Whatever option you choose, the bump or hump will only be as effective as its sign. You can turn a good idea into a hazard by not labeling it or informing the drivers.

You are responsible for any accidents caused by unlabeled road modifications.

You will be putting your business at risk of possible lawsuits, and you may also suffer from a bad reputation or press.

Where We Come In

Painting a large area of a parking lot is not an option for most businesses. It is considered a bad idea by many because it can affect the aesthetics of their business.

Signs are the only option in this situation.

They are easier to scale and move, don’t take as much room, and are less aesthetically intrusive.

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